Televac 7B Kaltkathodenmessgerät Demontage-Video

Televac® 7B Cold Cathode Ionization Gauge

The Televac® 7B cold cathode gauge has a measurement range from 10-7 Torr up to 10-3 Torr. This vacuum gauge makes indirect absolute pressure measurements by ionizing gas in the presence of a magnetic field. Unlike hot filament vacuum gauges, the design of this vacuum gauge allows for easy disassembly, enabling quick cleaning, contamination resistance, and isn’t as easily damaged by inrushes of gas.

7B Cold Cathode Active Vacuum Gauge Features

  • Hochgradig kontaminationsresistente Kaltkathoden-Ionisationsmessgerätekonstruktion
  • Leicht zu reinigendes Kaltkathodenmessgerät für eine längere Lebensdauer des Sensors
  • Durable and reliable Penning ionization gauge construction
  • In jeder Orientierung montierbar

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