Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? To help you save time and get your questions answered faster, listed below are some of the most common questions we receive from our customers. If you need more help or see the question on this list, chat with us online, call us at +1 215 947 2500, or email us at and our dedicated support team will be happy to help you!

Where can I find Televac­­­® datasheets?

You can find all of our Televac® datasheets by clicking here, or by going to the specific product page and clicking “Download Datasheet”.

Where can I find Televac® Instruction Manuals?

You can find all of our Televac® manuals by clicking here, or by going to the specific product page and clicking on the “Documentation” tab.

What is EthernetIP Communications?

EthernetIP (IP for Industrial Protocol) is an implementation of the digital communication standard referred to as the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). It’s a modification of standard Ethernet and is managed by the organization ODVA Inc.

What is a vacuum controller?

A vacuum controller connects to one or many passive vacuum gauges with cables, giving readings for all of the connected vacuum gauges.

What is an active vacuum gauge?

An active vacuum gauge has the control electronics mounted directly on the passive gauge, making it a standalone vacuum measurement solution.

What is the difference between a vacuum controller and an active vacuum gauge?

Vacuum controllers have the electronics in a separate box, and are connected to passive vacuum gauges via cables. Active vacuum gauges have the control electronics mounted directly on the passive vacuum gauge, making them a standalone vacuum measurement solution.

What type of low/rough vacuum gauge do I have?

Check the vacuum gauge label, if it is a Televac® brand gauge it is likely a 1E, 1F, 2A, 2C, or 4A gauge. You can also send us the part number and we can look up the model number for you!

What type of high vacuum gauge do I have?

Check the vacuum gauge label, if it is a Televac® brand gauge it is likely a 7B, 7E, 7F, 7FC, or 7FCS. You can also send us the part number and we can look up the model number for you!

What type of vacuum controller do I have?

If you have a rack or panel mountable controller, it is either the MX200, MM200, MC300, MV2A, or Compact 2A. If you have a portable controller, it is either a VacuGuard or a B2A Portable.

What is the maximum cable length for Televac® low/rough vacuum gauge (1E/1F/2A/4A)?

Typically we recommend maximum cable lengths for our rough vacuum gauges of 300 ft (91 m). Longer lengths can be used, but additional errors will be introduced into the vacuum measurements. Email us at for more information about errors associated with longer cable lengths.

What is the maximum cable length for Televac® high vacuum gauge (7B/7E/7F/7FC/7FCS)?

Typically we recommend maximum cable lengths for our high vacuum gauges of 300 ft (91 m). Longer lengths can be used, but additional errors will be introduced into the vacuum measurements. Email us at for more information about errors associated with longer cable lengths.

What is a -12, -5, 5, or 12 LO or HI error on an MM200?

This is a component failure in the MM200, usually on the power supply board. We recommend replacing the power supply module PN 2-6200-313.

Why is my cold cathode stuck at high (1E-7 Torr) vacuum?

The most likely reason is that your rough vacuum sensor is out of calibration, so we recommend replacing or recalibrating the rough vacuum sensor first. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, we next recommend cleaning your cold cathode. The third possibility is that you have a broken cable, so next try replacing the cable. If you’re still experiencing issues please contact us.

Why is my cold cathode stuck at low (1E-3 or 1E-2 Torr) vacuum?

The most likely reason is that you have a broken cable, try replacing the cable, and if this doesn’t resolve the issue please contact us.

How do I clean my cold cathode vacuum gauge?
  1. If you have a 7B or 7E cold cathode vacuum gauge, follow the steps in AN3002: Cleaning the 7B and 7E Cold Cathode Passive Gauges.
  2. If you have a 7FC or 7FCS cold cathode vacuum gauge, follow the steps in AN3004: Cleaning the 7FC and 7FCS Cold Cathode Passive Gauges

How do I remove the sensor from my MX2A/MX4A Active Vacuum Gauge?

Removing the sensor is quick and easy. Follow the instructions in the Active Gauge Sensor Replacement Video.

How do I disassemble my MX7B Cold Cathode Active Vacuum Gauge?

Disassembling the MX7B is quick and simple. Follow the instructions in this demonstration video.

Where can I find Fredericks tilt measurement datasheets?

You can find all of our Fredericks Tilt Measurement datasheets by clicking here or by going to the specific product page and clicking “Download Datasheet”.

Where can I find Fredericks tilt measurement Instruction Manuals?

You can find all of our Fredericks Tilt Measurement manuals by clicking here or by going to the specific product page and going to the “Documentation” tab.

What are Fredericks tilt sensor and inclinometer output options?

Analog 0 to 5 V DC, RS-232, RS-485, and SPI.

How do I convert the output from a tilt sensor or inclinometer into an angle in degrees?

To convert the raw output to degrees, please read Application Note 1005 – Converting Tilt Angle to Degrees.

I need help troubleshooting, who do I contact?

You can chat with us using the chat function on the bottom right of our website or you can fill out the Technical Support Form and one of our Application Engineers will contact you.

How do I send my equipment for calibration?

The fastest way to get your Televac® equipment calibrated is by filling out the Televac Service Order (RMA) – Request for Calibration & Service form. Once you submit the form, a member of our sales team will contact you with an RMA number within 24 hours.

Note: Please do not send in your equipment before receiving your RMA number. Equipment received without a service order number will not be processed by the calibration lab and may result in additional service charges.

How often should I have my Televac® equipment calibrated?

In most cases, you only need to have your Televac® equipment calibrated every year. If you need to maintain Nadcap accreditation or comply with the requirements outlined in AMS 2769, rough vacuum gauges must be calibrated annually to a NIST traceable standard, and high vacuum gauges must be calibrated quarterly to a NIST traceable standard.

What is the difference between standard and NIST traceable calibration?

Standard or factory calibration does not include any data. NIST traceable calibration includes incoming and outgoing data at several points for each gauge.

Do you offer calibration for equipment from other manufacturers?

We currently only offer calibration services for Televac® products.

How do I create an online account?

Click on My Account at the top of the page, enter your contact information, and click submit.

I forget my password, how do I reset it?

You can reset your password by clicking here.

How do I change my password?

Go to My Account, click Account Details, and go to password change.

How do I check the status of my order?

To view all current and previous orders, go to My Account and click on View Orders.

How do I change my billing and/or shipping address?

To view and change your billing and/or shipping address, go to My Account, click View Addresses, then click edit.

Can I upload my company’s Tax Exemption Certificate?

Absolutely! Go my My Account, click on Tax Exemption, and upload your Tax Exemption Certificate.

My tax exemption status says “Pending”, what does that mean?

Our accounting team is in the process of reviewing your tax exemption certificate, they will contact you when your request has been processed.

How do I request a quote?

There are three ways to request a quote.

  1. Fill out the request a quote form.
  2. If you have items in your online cart, you can request those items as a quote by clicking here and click on the Request as a Quote button.
  3. Call us at +1 215 947 2500.

I requested a quote, when will I hear back from you?

You will hear back from our sales team within 24 hours or less.

How do I apply for credit terms?

Send us an email at and we will provide our credit application form.

How do I check the status of my order?

You can contact our sales team at If you placed an online order, you can check the status in the My Account section under Orders.

Where can I find your ISO Certificate?

You can view and download our ISO Certificate by clicking here.

What is your phone number?

+1 215 947 2500

What is your fax number?

+1 215 947 7464