1E 페조 다이어프램

...diaphragm gauge (also often called a vacuum pressure gauge, vacuum transducer, or vacuum sensor) is a fast, robust, contamination resistant, and high accuracy low vacuum pressure gauge due to the...

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2V6 써모커플 (피라니)

...customer support Our 2V6 thermocouple vacuum gauge tube (also often called a Pirani or vacuum pressure gauge) is a direct replacement for the Teledyne-Hastings DV-6M vacuum gauge. No adjustments are...

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MX7B 콜드 캐터드

...gauge (also called an analog vacuum gauge or a digital vacuum gauge) featuring the well-known Televac® 7B cold cathode ionization gauge. This gauge provides robust, contamination-resistant measurement from 10-3 to...

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원격® 진공 측정 컨버터

...used to measure barometric pressure for meteorological applications as well as high and ultra-high vacuum ranges.   1 http://www.torr.com/what-torr 2 https://www.sensorsone.com/mtorr-millitorr-pressure-unit/ 3 http://solarmfg.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Understanding-Vacuum-9.pdf 4 https://vacaero.com/information-resources/vacuum-pump-technology-education-and-training/633-understanding-vacuum-measurement-units.html 5 https://www.sensorsone.com/pa-pascal-pressure-unit/ 6 https://www.britannica.com/science/pascal-unit-of-energy-measurement#ref187919 7...

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Televac AN 3020: 진공 용어 참조

...gauges”. Sometimes these terms are used to indicate a passive vacuum gauge combined with electronics, which we refer to as an “active gauge”. This is an important distinction for certain...

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MX2A 써모커플 (피라니)

...support for vacuum gauges The Televac® MX2A Active Vacuum Gauge (also called a thermocouple vacuum gauge, analog or digital vacuum gauge, or Pirani gauge) utilizes an easily replaceable Televac® 2A...

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