Televac® 3F Mini BA Hot Ion Ultra-High Vacuum Gauge (UHV)

Part Numbers: 3451-8305-25, 3451-8305-35, 3452-8306-05

Compatible With: MC300 (Legacy), MM200 (Legacy)

The Televac® 3F Mini BA Hot Cathode Ionization UHV gauge maximizes performance with proven accuracy and unmatched durability in high vacuums. The miniature sensor’s rugged all-metal construction is ideal for

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Measurement Range 1*10‐2 to 1*10‐10 Torr
Sensitivity for Nitrogen 10/Torr
Bakeout Temperature 200 °C
Operating Temp 0 °C to 50 °C
X‐Ray Limit <1*10-10 Torr
Filament Emission Current .01, 0.1, 1.0 mA or Auto
Filament Bias Potential +30 V +/‐ 0.3%
Grid Potential +180 V +/‐ 0.3%
Filament Heating Voltage 1.5 V Typical (2.5 V Max)
Filament Heating Current 1.5 A Typical (3 A Max)
Mounting Orientation Any
Degas Power 5 W e-beam
Cryogenics and industrial gases
Thin film deposition and coating processes
Analytical Instruments
Decorative Coating
Electron Microscopy
Environmental Simulation
High Energy Physics
Illumination Product Mfg.
Magnetic Media Mfg.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Optical & Functional Coating
Physical Vapor Deposition
Surface Science
Thermal Processing