本应用说明解释了如何从电解质倾斜传感器和信号调节器获得倾斜测量。它涵盖了Fredericks公司的信号调节器上可用的每个协议的原理图和代码。所有的例子都显示了Arduino Uno的代码和电路,所以在使用其他平台时,代码会有差异。每个例子都将提供一个来自传感器的各种单位的原始输出。这些单位中的任何一个都可以使用应用说明1005中解释的方法转换为度数。
Both the 1-6200-007 和 1-6200-012 signal conditioners have analog outputs. On the 1-6200-007, both axes and the temperature are output from pins XA, YA, and T respectively. Connecting to the Arduino requires direct connections from the signal conditioner to the analog input pins of the Arduino.
请注意,1-6200-012 信号调节器没有模拟温度输出,因此必须使用 RS-232 读取温度。有关从 1-6200-012 读取温度的更多信息,请参见 RS-232 部分。
x = analogRead(A0); y = analogRead(A1); 温度 = analogRead(A2)。
该代码的结果将是一个原始值,代表模拟引脚上的电压。该测量的分辨率将取决于用于读取电压的硬件;在Arduino Uno上,模拟引脚的分辨率为10位。
PWM measurements are available on the 1-6200-007 signal conditioner. With PWM, the x and y tilt angles can be read from the digital XP and YP pins on the signal conditioner. There is no temperature PWM output, so that will have to be read from the analog pin. A schematic for this setup is shown in figure 2.
x = pulseIn(XPIN, HIGH); y = pulseIn(YPIN, HIGH); 温度 = analogRead(A0)。 char res[50]; sprintf(res, "X: %i, Y: %i, Temperature: %i", x, y, temperature); 串行.println(res)
SPI是一种同步串行通信协议,可在1-6200-005信号调节器上使用。该协议采用主/从技术,使用4个连接。MISO(主进从出)、MOSI(主出从入)、CLK(串行时钟)和SS(从动选择)。主站将通过 MOSI(1-6200-005 上的标记为 IN)向从站发送命令,而从站将通过 MISO(1-6200-005 上的标记为 OUT)作出响应。CLK 是由主站创建的时钟,用于同步从站的通信。SS 用于使能从机;该引脚是 SPI 在一条总线上支持多个设备的方式(请参阅"SPI 总线"部分以了解更多信息)。
Arduino Uno有预定义的MOSI、MISO和CL引脚。这些引脚如下表所示。
MOSI | D11 |
MISO | D12 |
CLK | D13 |
为了与传感器通信,我们将使用Arduino的SPI库。 SPI.begin()将初始化SPI库(然而它不会打开通信)。由于该电路只有一个SPI器件,引脚10(SS)将被设置为LOW,使该引脚控制的从属器件生效。这将在整个程序中保持设置为LOW;在这个电路中没有理由禁用从机。
void setup() { SPI.begin(); // initialize SPI digitalWrite(10, LOW); // enable slave 1 }
- 从机的最高时钟速度,在1-6200-005上是20Mhz。
- 第二个参数决定了SPI接口是使用最重要位优先还是最不重要位优先。对于1-6200-005来说,这是Most Significant Bit First(或MSBFIRST)。
- 第三个参数决定SPI模式;对于1-6200-005,使用SPI模式2(CPOL=1,CPHA=0)。
//开放SPI通信 SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(20000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2))。
SPI.transfer(0x39); // update sensor data delay(1); // wait for SPI response res = SPI.transfer(0x31); // get status, request high x byte delay(1); // wait for SPI response if (res == 0x2A) { // verify sensor data updated successfully high = SPI.transfer(0x32); // get high x byte, request low x byte delay(1); // wait for SPI response low = SPI.transfer(0x33); // get low x byte, request high y byte x = (high << 8) | low; // merge low and high bytes into int delay(1); // wait for SPI response high = SPI.transfer(0x34); // get high y byte, request low y byte delay(1); // wait for SPI response low = SPI.transfer(0x35); // get low y byte, request high temperature byte y = (high << 8) | low; // merge low and high bytes into int delay(1); // wait for SPI response high = SPI.transfer(0x36); // get high temp byte, request low temp byte delay(1); // wait for SPI response low = SPI.transfer(0x39); // get low temperature byte, update sensor data temperature = (high << 8) | low; // merge low and high bytes into int } SPI.endTransaction(); // close the SPI communication
Note that the responses will be in separate high and low bytes. The code above converts these to 16-bit integers using the expression (high << 8) | low.
It is also possible to connect 1-6200-005 signal conditioners together in an SPI bus. An SPI Bus allows all SPI devices to share the CLK, MISO, and MOSI connections. Each slave, however, gets its own SS connection, allowing the master to select which slave it wants to communicate with. The number of SPI devices you can use at once is limited by the number of independent SS connections you can make. Figure 4 shows the schematic for 2 sensors on an SPI bus with pins D9 and D10 used as the SS signals.
// open SPI communication SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(20000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2)); digitalWrite(10, LOW); // enable the slave controlled by D10 SPI.transfer(0x39); // request status delay(1); res = SPI.transfer(0x31); // get status, request high x byte delay(1); if (res == 0x2A) { hi = SPI.transfer(0x32); // get high x byte, request low x byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x33); // get low x byte, request high y byte x = (hi << 8) | lo; delay(1); hi = SPI.transfer(0x34); // get high y byte, request low y byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x35); // get low y byte, request high temperature byte y = (hi << 8) | lo; delay(1); hi = SPI.transfer(0x36); // get high temperature byte, request low temperature byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x39); // get low temperature byte temperature = (hi << 8) | lo; } digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // disable the slave controlled by D10 digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable the slave controlled by D9 SPI.transfer(0x39); // request status delay(1); res = SPI.transfer(0x31); // get status, request high x byte delay(1); if (res == 0x2A) { hi = SPI.transfer(0x32); // get high x byte, request low x byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x33); // get low x byte, request high y byte x = (hi << 8) | lo; delay(1); hi = SPI.transfer(0x34); // get high y byte, request low y byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x35); // get low y byte, request high temperature byte y = (hi << 8) | lo; delay(1); hi = SPI.transfer(0x36); // get high temperature byte, request low temperature byte delay(1); lo = SPI.transfer(0x39); // get low temperature byte temperature = (hi << 8) | lo; } digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // disable the slave controlled by D9 SPI.endTransaction(); // close the SPI communication
RS-232(TIA-232)是一种通用的串行通信协议。1-6200-006和1-6200-012信号调节器上都有 3 线制的 RS-232 版本。连接RS-232包括将地线连接在一起,并将每个Rx连接到其他设备的Tx。
图5 用RS-232和SoftwareSerial库将1-6200-006连接到Arduino的示意图。
SoftwareSerial Sensor(10, 11, true); //RX, TX, inverse void setup() { Sensor.begin(9600); //RX, TX, invert }
请注意,具有UART TTL串口的设备(如Arduino)需要一个倒置的串口连接,否则将无法通信。对于Arduino来说,在创建虚拟串口时,可以通过第三个参数来实现("true"表示倒置信号)。
Sensor.print('x'); // send command for x axis tilt delay(50); // delay to give time for response b = 0; while (Sensor.available() != 0 && b < 8) { x[b++] = Sensor.read(); // read received bytes into char array } Sensor.print('y'); // send command for y axis tilt delay(50); b = 0; while (Sensor.available() != 0 && b < 8) { y[b++] = Sensor.read(); } Sensor.print('t'); // send command for temperature delay(50); b = 0; while (Sensor.available() != 0 && b < 8) { temperature[b++] = Sensor.read(); }
该代码的响应将是一个8字节的字符数组,以换行和回车字符(0x0a, 0x0d)结束。这将不是一个字符串,所以很可能必须将其转换为字符串。如果有必要,也可以将其转换为一个int。
// 将char数组转换为字符串 x[b - 2] = '0'。 // 将字符串转换为16位int xInt = atoi(x);
RS-485(TIA-485)是一种串行通信标准,在长距离和电气噪声环境中工作良好。它在1-6200-008信号调节器上可以使用。Arduino Uno本身并不支持RS-485,但可以使用一个转换器来方便与我们的任何RS-485产品进行通信。
用于与信号调节器通信的 RS-485 命令使用以下格式。
xx 是发送命令的地址。默认情况下,1-6200-008 上的地址为 99。默认情况下,1-6200-008 上的地址为 99。yy 是命令本身。# 表示命令的结束。例如,在地址 99 上读取 X 轴倾斜度的命令是 *9911#。所有可用的命令都可以在 1-6200-008 数据表上找到。
// x axis tilt digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission Sensor.print("*9911#"); // send x axis command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); // wait for sensor to respond b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { x[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response in a char array } // y axis tilt digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission Sensor.print("*9921#"); // send y axis command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { y[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response in char array } // temperature digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission Sensor.print("*9941#"); // send temperature command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { temperature[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response }
可以将最多 32 个1-6200-008信号调节器连接到一条总线上。然后可以为信号调节器分配地址,为每个传感器提供一种确定是否响应的方式。请注意,重要的是要避免连接多个具有相同地址的传感器,因为传感器会干扰彼此的传输。
默认情况下,信号调节器的地址为 99。要更改它,请确保它是唯一连接到该地址的设备。然后,使用命令*xx81Azz#,其中xx是当前地址,zz是新地址。比如说,*xx81Azz#。
char addr[4][3] = {"08", "09", "10", "11"}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // run this code for every address // x axis tilt digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission sprintf(cmd, "*%2s11#", addr[i]); // create x axis command Sensor.print(cmd); // send x axis command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); // wait for sensor to respond b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { x[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response from sensor in a char array } // y axis tilt digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission sprintf(cmd, "*%2s21#", addr[i]); // create command Sensor.print(cmd); // send command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { y[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response } // temperature digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // enable transmission sprintf(cmd, "*%2s41#", addr[i]); // create command Sensor.print(cmd); // send command digitalWrite(9, LOW); // enable reception delay(25); b = 0; while (Sensor.available()) { temperature[b++] = Sensor.read(); // store response } }